Oddar Meanchey

Anlong Veng

Anlong Veng

Siem Reap

In Anlong Veng District, along road 68, about 100 kilometers east of Oddar Meanchey provincial town, is a house once owned by former Khmer Rouge Commander Ta Mok. From 1979 until late 1997, this area was organized...

Chompei waterfall or Laang Ta Thong waterfall is 35 kilometers northeast of Oddar Meanchey Provincial town. A natural site, it includes a huge boulder that measure 500 meters square. There is also a mountain valley...



Siem Reap

O’Smach is on the Cambodian-Thai border, about 41 Kilometers north of Oddar Meanchey provincial town. The town features a resort which includes a numbers of casinos, good restaurants and luxury hotels. The resort has been organized...