Teuk Chhu
Teuk Chhu is located in Snomprampi village, Makprang commune Kapot district, about 8 kiometers north of Kampot provincial town. Its main attraction is a stream that flows from Phnom Damrei via Phnom Kamchay. The cool, clear water flows over large rocks year round. This is a good place for swimming or bathing.
There are many kinds of delicious fruit available, including durian, mangosteen, rambutan, mak prang, pineapple, grapefruit, custard apple and coconut. Only the durian, however, is available year round. Not far from Teuk Chhu is a zoo and plantation organized by His Excellency Nhim Vanda. The zoo raises animals, while the plantation grows a variety of fruit trees, including durian, rambutan and other fruits.