Wat Tumpek
Wat Tumpek is located in Krang Yov commune, Saang district. Krang Yov covers 8, 000 hectars and has a population of 12,700. It is a Hun Sen development area. The development plan for the area includes agricultural product processing. The area is rich with rice fields, has a network of canals and good trail between villages.
There are three pagodas in Krang Yov : WatSila Andet, Wat Kaong Naram and Wat Tumpek. Of the three, only Wat Tumpek has been developed for tourism. The chief monk at Wat Tumpek has built eight temples for the purpose of making the monastery a tourist attraction. Each temple has ancient objects on display. The road around the monastery is smooth; trees have been planted along the foot of the hill and a pond has been dug. In addition, a 1-hectare wedding park, where newly married couple can plant a tree, has been added.